Digital Transformation
Value Stream Management (VSM)
VSM is essential capability that allows the most complex organization to identify and reduce misalignment, stress, waste and poor operational visibility. This capability will enable your team to make progress through stubborn obstacles and assure Alignment between different areas.
End-to-End Visibility
To achieve Value Stream Management (VSM) and digital transformation, we enable you to have end-to-end visibility and alignment. By translating your mission critical objectives to a set of Objectives Key Results (OKRs) and Key Process Indicators (KPIs)
Discover the best path
Identify the most efficient path on the process map, then streamline your process for the future. Collaborate with frontline experts in your organization to look at Current State, identify Gaps and design the Future State.
Current to Future State Shift
Market stress is not an enemy, it is a fact. It is a signal from the external environment that you need to change and grow. By revisiting your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT) we enable you to move to build resilience in your on-going operations.
Move from Cap-Ex to Op-Ex
Once we capture the "Current State" we enable you, coach you and be at your side for IT transformation: Moving throughout the legacy Development process of Waterfall to Agile DevOps. From Application Architecture Monolithic to N-Tier and Microservices. From Deployment and Packaging Physical Servers to Virtual Servers and Containers. And finally from the Application Infrastructure of a Datacenters to Hosted and Cloud Operations.